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icon_she granddaddy of first-person adventure games is back and it’s better than ever! We didn’t port the classic NES classic – we RE-IMAGINED it from the ground up, RE-DESIGNING over 90% of the puzzles and putting in more bells and whistles than you can shake a torch at! Just check out what the press is saying…


“If you are a fan of the genre, looking for something difficult to tackle, or wondering why you haven’t played Shadowgate in 30 years, absolutely pick this up.”  8/10 – GameZone


“Shadowgate will offer you a journey into darkness, and an adventure unlike anything you have experienced in a long time.”  8/10 – Adventuregamers.com


“This new Shadowgate is a superlative remake that should stand as a great example of how to take a cult classic and update it for both new and nostalgic audiences.”  9/10 – leviathyn.com








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